Saturday, January 21, 2017



The color of one’s outfit can reveal more of their personality. The main colors are:
  • Red: Excitement, passion, love, desire, strength, fire, and power
  • Pink: Love, romance, calm, acceptance, and caring
  • Yellow: Joy, happiness, hope, sunshine, imagination, optimism
  • Dark blue: Integrity, knowledge, power
  • Blue: Peace, harmony, loyalty, sky, water, truth, and confidence
  • Turquoise: Calm, sophistication, and water
  • Purple: Royalty, nobility, wisdom, and honor
  • Orange: Balance, vibrant, warmth, and enthusiasm
  • Green: Luck, nature, youth, generosity, healthy, and envy
  • Brown: Earth, home, comfort, stability
  • White: Purity, peace, birth, and innocence
  • Black: Power, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, death
By using these colors, Westley is a mysterious man who was once seemed to be evil, but also a powerful and clever one.

Type of Clothing

Westley’s clothing shows how open-minded and free he is, compared to a dull and covered-up outfit. This represents him in the ‘Princess Bride’ after he gets his happy ending with Buttercup.

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