Saturday, January 21, 2017



The color of one’s outfit can reveal more of their personality. The main colors are:
  • Red: Excitement, passion, love, desire, strength, fire, and power
  • Pink: Love, romance, calm, acceptance, and caring
  • Yellow: Joy, happiness, hope, sunshine, imagination, optimism
  • Dark blue: Integrity, knowledge, power
  • Blue: Peace, harmony, loyalty, sky, water, truth, and confidence
  • Turquoise: Calm, sophistication, and water
  • Purple: Royalty, nobility, wisdom, and honor
  • Orange: Balance, vibrant, warmth, and enthusiasm
  • Green: Luck, nature, youth, generosity, healthy, and envy
  • Brown: Earth, home, comfort, stability
  • White: Purity, peace, birth, and innocence
  • Black: Power, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, death
Humperdinck (in the modern world) is someone who always needs to fill in his desire. He also is a peaceful, but a strong and powerful man, as well as being imaginative and optimistic.

Type of Clothing

From Humperdinck’s style of clothing, one can tell that he is a rich, proper, and powerful man. Tuxedos are very formal and expensive, so it only makes sense if he looks like someone who is at the top of society. As one can see, Humperdinck in the modern world is respected and polite, and well as incredibly rich and formal.

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